Monday, March 8, 2010

Stronger? In the midst of trying hard.

Scroll down for a typical lame joke. ^^

Arent i handsome? HAHHAHAH!

As usual today,irritate people with my outdated lame jokes. ^^
HAHAHHA. Today's chinese lesson was fun,cause full of lame jokes. Obviously i started first,then sinloong & zhipeng shoot back. Then the lesson was like full of lame jokes.
DIEDIEDIE. My reaction is getting slower. HOW HOW?
Can cure anot? Its like all the lame jokes people give me NON OF THEM I CAN GUESS CORRECT LEH. Somemore when people explain to me,it took me awhile to get it. ): HAIIII~
Though thr were alot of lame jokes shooting out from the 2guys,but somehow,i forgot already=.=
Think next time must record down.
I LOVE LAME JOKES! Next time must ask teachers. (Esp those teachers who always suan/disturb/call me gsp=.=) HMPH!

Lemme share with you guys a lame joke ^^

Farmer A sells Watermelon.
Farmer B sells Papaya.
What does Farmer C sells?

Ans: Medicine! Because Farmer C=Pharmacy!!!
HAHHAHAHHAHAH! It took me alittle while to get it=.=

Guys are so crazy over SNSD lately.
I saw afew of my msn peeps(guys) writing in their pm that snsd rocks.
Kay,i cant deny that. Because Snsd really rocks! TAEYEONNNNNN! YOONA! LOL.
Guys... so realistic lor,only like tall slim pretty girls=.=
HHHAHAH,im also one! My boyfs are tall handsome talented. ^^

I've been posting quite often lately,so.... HAHAHHAHHA.

I think i've the talent to be a comedian. :D


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