Friday, December 10, 2010


Hiiiiiiiiiiiii. Im back from chaletttttttttt~
How was it? Hmmmmmmm,not bad laaaaaaaa.
Met up with teammates.
Yeahhhhhhhhh,then night cycle.
Wthhhhhhhhh,the guys can cycle lehhhhhhhh,very fastttttttttttt somemore. Wahsian.
Oh,i bang into the tree. Sorry guys for scaring you all. Hehe.
We cycle from 10plus pm to 4plus am. MAD RIGHT?
Everyone was tired like maddddddddd. Hahahahahaha.

Day 2 everyone was slacking, & i tio shoot alot of times.
Cause i kept sleeping,while they playing cards.
Played cheat with them,hahahhaha. So funnnnnnnn~
Oh,we combined beds & sleep tgt. But too squeezyyyyyyyyy. & its freezing cold too.
Super cold till i was shivering like maddddddddd,eventhough the temp was the highest already.
Hence,i wasnt able to sleep well. I guess the others also la.
LOL. Once we woke up,we were chatting actively. Hahahaha.
Damn scary,the guys have really weird sleeping habits.
Some snored like mad,so scary!!!!!! =.=

Last day
Book out,played frisbee at beach. Then the guys went in the water.
Then go pool swim swim,they had so much fun mannnnnnnn.
Kinda entertaining to see them swim. LOL.
Then went to eat,took train & home! ^^

K,pics now.
LOL. Zhipeng,he looked like ghost eh. Was pouring at that time.

Wet hair.
Heavy eyebags.
Cycling Yunsing! My fb stead. LOL.
LOL. Hahahah.
Mmmmmm,eating hotdogs~ with yinghui & hongxin.
Lynn & suzanneeeeeeeeee.
Hahahahahha. Youting,my no.1 admirer. ^^ I look so unglam=.=
Handsome anot? Roy's shades.
14 bikes intotal. ^^

Chalet part 2 pics will be uploaded once i got from suzanne.

BYE. ^^


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