Tuesday, December 29, 2009


This MV was released last year june,takea close look at Taemin's hairrrrrr!
Mushroom headdddddddddd! :D I used to have mushroom head too! LOL
We have 2common things,we have short hair & double eye lidddddd! :D

This MV was released in around october. Look at the diff!
My boyfs grow up alreadyyyyyyy! :D
:D :D :D

Was checking my nuffnang acct just now.
Got $0.35.Not bad,i only put nuffnang for about a week or so only.

LOL. Kay,date now: 29dec!!! ): Not happy. T.T
Watched Singapore idol results on sun,i only managed to see the results.
1 word: Disappointing results. I was actually looking forward to seeing Slyvia win.
But,as expected,its sezairi.Im getting pissed off at the fact that Singapore Idol is ALWAYS guys who won,somemore ALL malay.
Seriously,whats wrong w woman man?!Its like almost all competition are like that man,Sg idol,project superstar,campus superstar,it has always been guys winning.
=.= Woman's rights man! Girls can be as good as guys right? Interms of academics & others.

Lemme show you guys a picture of my boyf crossdressing!

PRETTY RIGHT?! Even prettier than me lorrr!
Dont know wth is wrong w mixpod,songs cannot play! ):


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