Monday, December 14, 2009

A wolf under those sheep clothing.


Saw my boyf? He's the first guy who sang!The one shirtless w a blazer on!
TVXQ is very very hot in Jap also okay! Even Jpop star,Ayumi Hamasaki is a fan of them!

Have been keeping track of the date nowadays...
Its 15dec now,in another 2weeks time everything will change..
I cant watch my shows,cant play my lame games & everything is about. STUDYSTUDYSTUDY!
Kay,let's forget bout the unhappiness & move on to others.
As usual,korea craze! From Taiwan craze to Jap craze and now... KOREA CRAZE!
Ex is coming to Sg. Who's ex? LMH obviously. LOL. His ticket damn ex can? 89? LOL!
I think im having some weird illness that makes me think some artist is my boyf=.=
HAHA,but seriously lor, sometimes fantasy is better than real boyf.
Agree? *nods*

Jokwon cracks me up alot.
Who's jokwon? He's from the kpop group,2AM. My playlisthave several of their songs.
Seriously lor.He's SO natural can?
I want a boyf like him man! He's hilarious,natural,gentleman,can dance!
Andand,at the age of 20.he doesnt have a girlf before! Whr to get a guy who doesnt have a girlf before at 20?! Tell me? Unless those geeky nerds la.LOL
Do you know that in a survey in Canada i think,PEOPLE COULDNT FIND GUYS UNDER 20 WHO DONT WATCH PORN. LOLLLLLLLLLLL!
This shows what? They're horny=.=
Okay,back to subject. Jokwon is veryvery funny!!! :D
Though he might not be as handsome as JJ,butbut,i really like his sense of humor.

HAHHAHHAHHAHAH! He's v natural! :D
If you search Jokwon in youtube,he's always associated w the word,hilarious or funny.
At this rate im going,my homeworks will be left rotten. LOL
I believed alot like me,still havent touch lor.
Dont need ask,my class conf got more than half havent touch yet.

Trg tmr,coach coming back. Good or bad thing?



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