Saturday, August 14, 2010

タフ .

Seoul garden yesterday with Yunhui,Jinhui,Jassmine,Daniel,Apple,Suzanne,Merabel.
Inititally planned to eat for 1 hour then off to trg,but ended up raining so didnt went.
AND,all of us were very very smelly. =.=
People! Please be aware when going to Seoul garden,get ready to be stinky!
Oh,then off to Merabel's house. Slacked over there,played poker,watched tv.
Reached home around 9? LOL.
Went to school today,thought that DnT starts at 10.30,but ended up is 8.30. HAHA.

Ate lunch after that went back home & slept straight away.

Mr tang.
Oh,its ME. ^^
Hehe. It seems thatour age difference arent that big. HAHA.
Posing with a broomstick,pro hor?
He wants to fight with me=.=
Gonna go Jassmine's house tmr. SIAN. Have to wake up early,weekends doesnt sound like weekend to me. ):


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