Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I feel like im the dumbest person onearth,seriously.
Prelim 1 hasnt been going well for me.
Firstly,english paper1. I didthe question NO ONE DID. Because teacher told us not to do.
But,i chose to do it. Because all the question i couldnt think of any topic to write.
Situational writing,i did the dumbest mistake that no one did. Not gonna elaborate,but that mistake cause me to fail my situational writing,badly.
And for SS. Sigh. I blank out again during SEQ. I almost dont have time to finish the entire paper.
But luckily,i remembered some parts & some i think i used my own words.
Maths P1,no comment,gonna fail badly as usual.
Chem & Physics P2,no need say la. Confirm fail. Science grades have been dropping like mad.
Geo. Wrote the wrong things+dont know how to do.
VERYVERY ANGRY. Due to my carelessness,i lost 6marks for MathsP2. So not worth it.
Final conclusion: EXAMS SUCKS.

Very grand. There were actually 2 flight of stairs.
CHIOBU LEH. Guess who? She looked so feminine,i feel so boyish wearing shorts. HAHA.
MR ONG & MR AFRO HEADDDDDDDDD!Im wearing heels,but im not even Mr ong's shoulder=.= This shows,he's really reallyyyyy talllllll! Our school's Yaoming.

Mr chew! Not bad,at least im still at his shoulder.

Ms sitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Almost the same height leh. HAHA.

1 more day till prelim 1 is over. Fri celebration of National day,half day. Weeeeeeeeee~

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. Parting is part of life,it tests us on our courage to overcome it. We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment."



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