Sunday, August 1, 2010


85th Anniversary yesterday was unexpectedly fun. (YUMMMMMMMMMM SENGGGGGGG!)
Took lots of pictures with pretty girls & handsome guys.
Our table consists of: Me,Yunhui,Jinhui,Suzanne,Merabel,Apple,Clarine,Irene,Kimberly,Amanda.L.
Girl's table,how can it be not noisy?I think we're the noisiest people there.
The doorgifts were weird,soysauce,flour? LOL.
Food was not bad overall.
Reached home at around 12plus,slept at 3plus. And those heels i wore seriously kill me. Feet hurt like mad till now.Eventhough i wore heels,but im still not taller than Clarine/Suzanne.This shows what? Not that im short,is they're too tall. HAHAHAH. Weirdos.Heels sucks.

Picturestime! Since i've got alot of pictures to post,i guess my post from now onwards would have atleast 1 or 2 photos(Provided if im not lazy.)
As for now,enjoy the picturessssssssss!

ME,Jinhui,Yunhui. ^^
TWIST! I realised that i never fail to do my trademark sign whenever i pose for camera ^^
Trademarksign. Again.
I shyshy la.
Mr LOWWWWWWW. Everytime he saw me,first thing he will say: SPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! =.=
Me,Suzanne,Merabel,Clarine in the shuttle bus. Hehehahahoho.

SQPP. So cute,neighbour to my previous pri school. ^^

End of pictures. ANNYEONG!

아마 이건 아니야 내가 원하 그리고 아마도 이건 아니야 당신이 원하는 무엇 너무
하 하 하 !


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