Friday, July 23, 2010

거짓말, damnit.


Didnt post for 1 week. Coollllllllll.
Brief summarise of what happened this week. Hmmm.
Monday, I forgot=.= LOL.
Tuesday, chem remedial till 4plus? Oh,i failed my organic chem test. Combined sci have been de-proving( i know there's no such word,but whatever la) alot ever since im in sec4.
Wed,went training. The photographer for the day again,sadly to say,i didnt have my mini 'photoshoot'. Instead,some idiotic people kept taking my unglam candid=.=
Thur,worst day of all. Really dislike thurs,firstly cause theres too many lesson,secondly, too many tests,thirdly,there's maths remedial. SIAN.
Friday, supposedly to be my fav day. But theres workshop going on,not much comment on the workshop. And home-d!

Taken long long time ago.
Wah,bangs leh.
I suddenly look so fair! Weird.

Lastly,a picture of... my twin sis! HAHA. Obviously me la.

85th Anniversary dinner next week+prelim.
): Dont know what to wear,its formal you know?! So mafan,i think it would be more meaningful if we went in uniform! HAHA.

YAWNS. I need sleep badly. Sleeping makes me happy,lame jokes makes me happy. ^^

"The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy."


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