Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Hi,im bored. Really bored.
Thr's tons of shows i wanna watch,but im lazyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
So,i've decided to come up with challenges to challenge myself.
LOL,i think im abit weird. HAHAHHAHAH.

Challenges i came up to challenge myself:

1. Switch off phone for 5days. ( I can survive w/o my phone,but not the awesome music inside.)
2. Not going to use comp for 3 days. ( I CANT SURVIVE W/O COMP. Abit exaggerating,but comp is the only thing at home to kill my boredom.)
3. Try to sleep for more than 20 hours. ( My longest record was 20hours,wait i think is 22. Aiya,whatever la. I wanna try sleeping for a day. ^^ hehehe. SLEEP!!!!!)
4. Work for more than 12 hours. ( Yeah,i wanna be a workaholic. Hahaha, & this challenge is coming soon on sun,14 hours. ^^)
5. Not eating a single thing for a day. ( This is a DAMN hard challenge. Everyone knows i love eating. I happy also eat,not happy also eat. I love binge-ing whenever im happy/unhappy,thats why im so chubby=.=)
6. Not spending a single cent for 3days. (This is easy,as long as i stay at home & anime marathon,i can no need go out spend money. ^^)
7. Drunk. ( Although i have taken alcohol,but i've never been drunk like those Tv drama whr those guys are seriously drunk & had bad hangover. I wanna try,haha.)
8. Train my alcohol skills. ( Females need to train our alcohol skills incase you know. Hahahah. I wanna be like Cana( character from fairytail) who can take alcohol very well,but not the part whr she is an alcoholic)
9. Emo for a day. (Kay,this is hard. Dont really like this challenge,cos w/o smiling/laughing for a day is pretty hard i guess. Emo very bad for health one leh,plus emo=negative=tears,I DONT LIKE. =.=)
10. Try to be more gentle ( reason for this challenge is because due to my violent-ness,i've broken alot of things & my mom always complain. Hahahah. But i dont this challenge is possible. LOL.)
11. Wear skirt/dress go shopping. (HAHAHAH. NOT POSSIBLE MAN. Its been reallyyyyyy long since i last wear skirt/dress. Last time,i think was graduation day when i had to wear sch skirt. LOL. Shorts more comfy.)
12. No more tears. ( Few days back,i heard from my guy colleague that he had stop tearing at the age of 16, & now he's 23. So he hasnt been crying for 7years,so cool right? I wanna try to be like that also,see how long i can last. ^^)
13. Watch movie alone. (I've always wanted to try doing things alone,because i think its pretty cool)
14. Shopping alone (I think i've tried this before,when i was sec 2. hahahaha.)
15. Go library alone.( This is easy,i've done it alot of times already. Yayeee! One of the challenge cleared!)
16. Cant think of anymore,its 3.27AM already. Once the clock hits 12,my brain will shut. Hahahah. So thats all i guess. HAHAHHA

NATSU!!!!!!!! GRAY!!!!!!!!!!! This pic is my msn dp,twitter dp & my phone pic. HAHAHHA. Love the tattoo,red nicer or blue nicer? I think blue cooler. Hahahha. But red also not bad. Heheheh. Oh,i like MISTGUN too. He's so cool,so mysterious~ ^^

Kla,off for now. Chiong my fairytail,after that shall start watching other anime liao.

Easier to say then done,but that doesnt mean its impossible. It might not be easy,but I-M-POSSIBLE! :)


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