Saturday, January 9, 2010


Super duper ultra tired lately. School reopen only 5days & im already tired like mad!
Couldnt catch up with studies,SD sucks.
Why must we learn SD when my using of calculator sucks? HAIII~

Jeremy is so cute! :D Taekyung is funny! :D
HAHHAHAH! F.Y.I,the jeremy im talking about is the cast in You're beautiful,the blondie,not the one in my class. =.=
Super love Jeremy's character in that show,so bubbly & cute.
But the scene when he cried,really very sad. ):
He had to act everything is alright when he was hurt deeply..
GoMiNyu so lucky lor,3guys like her,Taekyung,Jeremy,Shinwoo.
Hmm,if it's me,i will probably choose taekung or jeremy. But,dream on la. HAHHAH.
Taekyung is a little like Goojunpyo. Arrogant & those piercing eyes with eyeliner. LOL.
I like it when he gets jealous,funny.

Training yesterday.
School was like so chaotic. People rushing here & thr.
WOW. First time see so many 'frisbee players' leh. *sarcasm* HAHHAHA.
New teacher,dont like her. Very gl. =.=
Forced to stop the match. HAIIII~
Training was alright i guess?
Oh,i've got brusies again. Normal routine already. :)

I've chiong finished You're Beautiful already! :D
Weee~ More time for other shows. WAHAHHAHHA!
Hwang Taekyung! Jeremy! :D HAHHAHAHAH~
Why does fairytale doesnt happen to me? HAIIII~
So sad,my Key is born on the 23sep which makes him a libra.
Im virgo,libra & virgo clash ah.Not compatible.
Anyone born as a Capricorn?Because im most compatible with capricorn. :D
Taemin is born on 18july which makes him a Cancer. Cancer+Virgo=SPARKS~

I want go korea find my boyfs! :D
Singapore guys too many flirts already,handsome+nice all taken/book already.
HAIII~ Lost trust in singapore guys. LOL. Kidding la. :D
Some singapore guys also not bad. :) LOL.

Im so so tired! T.T


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