Thursday, December 23, 2010


Ignore the previous post pls,hahahahah.

This week's schedule:

Mon- Heri's surprise party.
Tues- Slack
Wed- Meet up pig & monkey
Thur- Shopping
Fri- Library(maybe,if im not lazy)
Sat- Work
Sun- Work

I used to enjoy staying at home & be a slacker,but lately i prefer to be busy,the busier the better.
Slacker no life ah,everyday sleep eat shit. LOL.
Today went shopping with yiman. I realised my job has one advantage,it trains my leg. LOL.
After shopping for hours,my legs wont feel sore,however yiman was complaining that her leg hurts.
Going to watch hello stranger on sat before work. Hope its nice.
Hope its like those comedy thats super super funny that im laughing every single min. Hahahah.
But got crying scenes leh,super dislike.
Hope it wont turn out like those stupid boring love shows whr those girls keep crying,i cannot tahan those type of shows=.=

Hello stranger! Watched the trailer already,it looks funny. Hahahahha.
Catching it with joyce & clarine on sat. ^^ LOL,but its in thai,abit weird ah.

Time check:2.37am. LOL. Still watching fairytail eh, hahahaha. SO NICE. SO COOL.

Everyone! Pls ask me out next week! I wanna go outtttttttttt. LOL.

K,bye. Off to watch my anime! FAIRYTAIL~ ^^


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