Saturday, August 8, 2009

Because,i refused to give in.

Out w Humairah & Suzanne today.
Went to library,did a little maths.
Then chatted alot,ALOT AH!
So basically,i did no revision or study at all.
LOL,basically we're just talking craps & stuff.

Went to IMM pepper lunch.
I was being alittle suaku,okay,maybe not alittle. HAHA!
Suzanne even joked that she feel like taking a 7 year old kid-.- which is me.
We basically talked alot,HAHAHA!
Then bought Jap bento leh! Ate in a quieter place,then continue talked again.
HHAHAH! Its quite cool that how many things girls can talk huh?
LOL,after that went home.

Lemme recall what happened yesterday;

Kay, i remembered being very tired yesterday.
Then we did some boring reflection,i sat at Haziqah's place then Jinhao sat beside.
Seriously he purposely is going to irritate me to death.
Damn noisy la, no wonder his friends all same pattern as him want. Etc Farhan & Jeremy.

Played captain's ball w teachers.
Can i say how pissed off i am?
Because i was defending Mr Li Yun Dong,i jump also no use-.-
He doesnt even bother to defend me=.=
Then pissed off till i literally throw the ball.
HAHAHA! End up,lost to them.Damn disappointed in myself can?
Butbut,we won the sec 4s! :D

Jinhao can really jump man!
He saved alot of balls leh!
Farhan & Jeremy can also play sia!




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