Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Holding on to uncertain hopes is the last thing im going to do.

  • School was boring as usual.
  • Bad news: Maths commons test topics are from chapter 1onwards =.= When its like common test only,not even EOY lor! Which means=DIE.Because i totally forgot the previous topics we have learn etc Indices.
  • Maybe shall head over to Hongkong drama since i cant find anymore Jdrama/Tdrama to watch. But for now,let's concentrate more on studies.(Like i will!HAHHA!)\
  • Cant stand the fact that chooyongmou kidnapped my boyfee. =.= Seriously hate him alot since he keep on boasting to me.Who's my boyfee?Stitch:D He has the Stitch keychain i want while i dont have! =.= Dang it.
  • Wont elaborate more. Byeeeeeeeeeeee.

    P.s/ I wont post till either friday/sunday.




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