Saturday, August 22, 2009

The sound of laughters is better than the sound of tears.

  • 100% chance of flunking my maths.Which also means im going to remedial=.=
  • B'd coming soon,presents anyone?
  • Flunk english,like again?!
  • And lastly,im bored.
  • Kay,changed blogskin colour.
    Grey,not bad eh? I wanted to change into something new.
    Dont know what the hell is wrong w playlist man!
    Changed to mixpod yo!
    Kay,im drama+anime hunting now.
    The time is 12.05AM! :D
    Maybe shall head to Hkdrama since i cant find anymore Jdrama.
    But still hunting for anime. ;)
    Life's a bore.
    School sucks! =.=
    Everyday school reminds me of the reality of being retain even though i tried my best in every test i take. But not full thats all.
    Currently doing notes in facebook. LOL.

    B'd coming soon.
    As usual,went around asking people for presents.
    I have been doing this for 2 years already,but last year was worst.
    I pestered Jason on friday,he immediately gimme that "SIAN" look=.=
    Then Zhipeng said he's older than me,1st September worh. Got evidence?
    This year wasnt very excited. Not anticipating anything.
    Remember guys,3rd SEPTEMBER is the day the stupid doctor slap my butt because i dint cry when i was born=.=
    LOL. I know.

    Hunt for shows now,goodbye.

    Seriously you cracked me up. HHAHAHHAHA!



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