Saturday, January 16, 2010


Front: Rudy,Apple,Sinlee,ME,Yunsing.

The power of acting.
I finished this hkshow called Beyond the realm of consience about one month ago.
About women fighting with eachother to gain attention in the palace.
I just realised acting is part of life inorder to survive.
"人不为己,天诛地灭" ? Such selfish line,but humans are that realistic.
You might not know who's your enemy or friend,they can act nice infront of you & stab you in the back the next moment.
So,the best solution to deal with them is,act along with them in order to survive.
HAHHAHAHHA! I think i watched too many shows already. LOL.

Have been running late everysingle day for the past 2weeks except for day 1.
Everyday took bus at 7plus am,reach school at 7.20.
Next week must reach hall at 7.20,if not consider late. Prefects will be standing by outside to take names. WTH. From school gate to hall is like marathon,conf alot late.
But like whatever la,as if teachers care,they will treat it as an excuse only.
So,goodluck to me for not being late.

After seniors getting back their results,these few days have been like lecture lessons.
Make me more afraid then anything.But whats the use of being afraid if you've studied?
CCA fair yesterday. Some sec ones are funny while some very gl.
I asked them join frisbee,they asked if got free lollipop then they joined. (because at that time i was eating lollipop)
I told them that if they joined,girls can be as pretty as me,guys can be as handsome as me.
Which means im... bisexual? LOL!! HAHHAHHA~
Nowdays sec one more & more rude,to handle this type of people best way is to be rude to them too.
Shouted till my throat hurts. Nvr even went training today,did mouth exercising instead.
Coach came too,thr was one guy who said frisbee is for DOGS. Hear that?! WTF.
Nowadays dogs swim too right? That means swimmers are dogs too? What logic is that? =.=

Chinese new year coming,angpaos anyone? :D
P./S Eh,blog dying leh,so people,tag moremore! :D
I've learnt my lesson.
I will continue to fight on & hang on.
I will be. :D


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