Monday, February 1, 2010


I realised something,teenagers are getting weaker in relationships. BGR.
Because i was reading magazine,& the problems most teenagers have is boygirl relationship problems. Example boyf being too flirt,3rd party happens to be your best friend etc. LOL. HAIIII~ if the guy flirt,should dump him before he dumps you what. AIYA. Like me better,daydream Taemin is my boyf. Though he can never be.
Though its not realistic,but at least perfect because i wont get to see his flaws or true colours. And i believed that im his first girlf. :D
I think i can become counsellor already,due to the fact that i watch alot of shows & therefore,learn alot of new 人生道理! Thats why i cant stand the fact that girls are being weaker due to bastards boyf & therefore some even commited suicide or slashing of wrist. Thats why,i enjoy writing argumentative essays because i love arguing! :D

Thats why i always envy guys. They have lesser troubles than girls,& they let go easily. Plus,I heard My ong said today: Girls often fight with friends week after week but guys are always friends. Brothers?So cool lor. I rather be guys! Girls have to go through so much pain,eg pregnancy. Guys are simple.but girls are complicated,thats why guys just cant seem to know what we girls are thinking. HAHHAHAH. Agree? *nods* Teenagers tend to be too despo for boyf/girlf nowadays la. Thats what i can conclude.SEE! I can be logical too! :D IM MATURE ONE OKAY!
Am happy that today can go home straight after school. :) I finally got back my afternoon computer show session & nap session. :D
Which means watching show & sleeping la.
HAHHAHHAHAH! Chem remedial tmr,hopefully is for those who fail the test la,if not need to stay back which also means sacrificing my nap & computer show session. HHAHAHHAH!
Am still very happy that the fact i passed my chem test.
Currently waiting for physics test & having high hopes for it since i got study.
Maths test on wed,freaking not anticipating cos i hate the topic, probability.
Why are we learning stuff that we're not going to use in the future? Etc,algebra=.=
Im back to watching Jap shows since last week! :D
Jdrama & Anime. The anime im watching now is so cool, Death note! HAHHAHHA.
Then maybe im gonna watch other anime,maybe hitman reborn?

I seriously have the urge to buy a ticket & fly to taiwan/korea & never come back.

Cant blame me,everyday is so sucky due to many areas. E.g, studies.. =.=
I need a life man.

Let's end of w a picture of.... MY BOYFFFFFFFFF!!! :D

MY TRADEMARK SIGH,TWIST! One more similarity. ^^

P./S Im really anticipating CNY! *yayness*
P./S My new name: ERR-MAN-DER! :D Thats for the sake for those people who cant pronounce my name properly. LOL.


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