Monday, July 5, 2010

★ 기억을 위한 감사합니다.

Current mood:SadPouty
Sentosa on sat. Disappointing thing was there wasnt any sun,so couldnt suntan.
But i've got sunburnt on my arms & back cos i spent 3 quarter of the time in the water. ^^
Went with Suzanne,Merabel,Jasmine,Clarine,Sinlee.
Stayed till 5 plus while Jasmine,clarine,sinlee went back at 2plus.
Had dinner & tour around at IR universal studio. Managed to take a picture with Mr Universal studio globe! ^^
The place was damn big. I wonder how long & how much money they took to construct it.
Reached home at 12plus. The waiting time for the bus was too long & iwas freezing inside the bus.
When was the last time i went to sentosa? Last year?
When was the last time i became chaota? During frisbee competition,was super tanned that time.
Arms & legs aching,stayed in the water for too long. Dont know drank how many gulps of seawater,at least got 5. =.= The tide was pretty strong too.
Loves beaches! :D

Spot me? Im in the middle!


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