Saturday, June 26, 2010


Its 2.52 am & im not sleeping yet.
Just watched finished another hkdrama.
Yes,i've been watching dramas for the entire holis.
LOL. Im seriously going to try to study tmr,but i know i wont=.=
Im hungry. HAHA.
Cravings for durians & sushiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. HEHE.

When is worldcup ending?! =.=
Guys are so obessed that there are so many people at the coffee shop=.=
I could hear those cheering from my house=.=
LOL. Forget it,since its like 4years 1time.
Guys crazy over soccer,girls crazy over GSS.
Butbut,it would be better if theres worldcup about basketball,then conf i will watch.
Soccer is one of my dislike sports because it takes too long to score & using hands are easier to score.
Basketball more thrilling^^

Singaporean girls are getting more & more obsessed with korean boybands.
Their screams... =.= throat must be very good.
Not long ago,one of korea boyband came to s'pore & changi airport was flood like mad=.=
SIAOEH. Good thing they're my bros,no need waste time go airport. (self-denial again... haiii~)
31bros from korea,5 bros from america,japan,taiwan & hongkong still havent count yet.
I think i have more than 31bros from korea,guess i needa recount again. HAHAHAHAHHA!
Korea~ Must wait for me okay? KIMCHI~ HEHE.

HAHAHHA! Its very obvious that the 3 of them are guys. 1 of them is my bro.Guess who? O.O

Time check:4.33am. WOOOOO! Lets see how long i can last w/o sleeping. ^^

"Absence makes the heart grew fonder."

LOL. Haiiii~ 人生短短几十年~ HAHAHHAHA!

Hate monday. ):

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