Friday, July 2, 2010

★ :D

Current mood:Giggle

Akltg yesterday,i believe everyone has hurting arms=.=
LOL. 30 mins of focusing,arms already hurting like mad. So many people are deactivating their fb/ they gave their passwords to Leroy & ask him change.
But if can control the time limit,i see no point in doing so. HAHA. My twitter followers are so pathetic.
I've got 10 followers!! Because i didnt follow them,those 10 people that followed me,i only followed rilette. HAHAHA.
Butbut,i've followed 10 people. Guess who? ITS MY KOREA BROS! But i cant understand what they're tweeting anyway=.=

SS test gonna fail badly,even miracles cant help me.
I studied rise & fall for venice,but i focus more on rise as its longer.
End up,teacher gave fall,i did studied. But i forgot,so all i could do was to use my own words to create the points.
Mr ong seems to enjoy the 'fun' cause many studied rise & neglected fall.
Shit. Gonna get it from him on tues.

I missed my short hair,should i cut short hair again? :)

Hope it doesnt rain tmr! Cause its suntanning day! ^^

Club Me 2AMANDABeach Blanket

HAHAHHA! These emoticons damn cute.



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