Sunday, June 13, 2010


Finally deleted dead links on my blog.
Seriously if possible,i wouldnt want to link people,such a nuisance since idont bloghop anyway.
Band concert ended yesterday. I wonder how the atmosphere was,must be pretty high since the whole place was only full of shuqunites.
I woke up at 9.30am today,but went back to sleep again.
The weather now damn good,very cold,good for sleeping.

Starting new anime recco by Jinhui.
Tegami Bachi.
Animes & dramas made me very happy.
My life revolves only eat,sleep,shows.
Have to go back to school on wednesday for oral remedial.
Cant wait for O level to end.
But ending means the start of the real stress.
Tons of things i wanna do after O's:

1. Work.
2.Watch drama & anime.
3.Watch movie.(depends whether got nice show anot)
4.Learn Korean,Jap,Cantonese language.(Since most of the time i watch these countries show.)
5.If have time,go gym & exercise.
6.Beach. I miss the vast blue sea.(And i need to suntan since im turning yellow=.=)
7.Shopping(If im not lazy plus have some cash around me)
8.Manga collection. ( I want to collect manga!If i have enough money.)
10.Slack at home & daydream.

LOL. Actually i was looking at Taemin instead of JH.

아주 큰 희망, 그러나 더 큰 실의


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