Friday, June 11, 2010

미소는 항상 울기 보다는 더 낫. 그러나 현실에서 도주의 모양이다.

Finally here,firstly wish Rilette a HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYY!!
I love her birthday,start of the holis for the graduating classes.
Got back report book. Shitty results i got,cannot even go poly. (I dont think i can go ITE either.)
Subject that need to buck up: Maths & science.
2 of the subjects that i always refused to revise.
I FAILED SCIENCE LEH. ): Eventhough my science is not exceptionally good,but at least i always pass.
I passed english,for once=.=
I gave up on DnT already. HAHA.

I talked to my cousin that day via facebook.
Damn cute. He's merely 7years old,but the older he get,the handsome he becomes.
But he very very cheeky. ^^
Damn cute la.
Babies are only cute when they dont cry,once they cry,seriously cannot tahan.
Hasnt been sleeping well lately. I wonder why...
Eyebags bigger,eyes alittle swollen. Mind totally shut when it comes to studies.
I hope i can have at least one time of peaceful sleeping w/o any disturbance.

2weeks of holiday,what am i gonna do?
Probably sleep,eat,use computer(shows & lame games),my life seems so meaningless.
Nolife man. Whether im studying anot,depends on my mood.
Shall post some selcas! ^^

Shocked. I know la,my fingers very short & fat. Cute whatttttt!

Trying to act emo.

P./S I love the shirt im wearing! Very bright yellow ^^

Im bored,can someone entertain me?

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