Saturday, June 5, 2010

★_★ 어려운,加油!Let's work hard. ):

Its saturday today!
And im very proud to announce that i actually woke up at 11.30AM despite being very very tired for the past few days!
This shows that my sleeping time required is getting lesser. Hmmm,good or bad thing?
Supposedly to finish my artifact by yesterday,but well i did not.
Guess next week gonna be another hectic week! ^^
Butbut,my artifact gonna finish soon~ (i think)

I've got 27 brothers.
Sudden increase.
HAHAH! I think there should be more,but i've forgotten some.
27 ex with totally different personalities. HAHAH.
But unfortunately,all of them are tall=.=
At least by 10cm? ):
Im not short,but i dont know why males grow so fast=.=

I've got 1 师父(shifu/master)! HAHAHHAHA.
Who is he?
He's the dnt teacher,Mr mohamed! HAHA.
LOL. I've the habit of calling him uncle(dont you think uncle sounds cuter? ^^)
Andand,he's always irritated at me for calling him that.
He always said:" You ah! Since when i married your auntie?"
LOL. So he asked me to call him shifu. HHAHAHHA.

Gotta go nowwwwwwwwwww. Need to bathe & off to shiya's b'd party! Hope its fun! :D



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