Saturday, July 10, 2010

★ Falling hard. 75% ㅎㅎㅎ ㅎㅎㅎ! ^^

Current mood:ConfusedEmbarrassedLolSmileSurprisedTongue Out

Went to school at 7am today,reached home immediately slept till 6plus.
Wah,sleep till headache ah.
Training yesterday, & im the photographer for the day! ^^
I think i took at least 300photos. The camera very heavy,neckpain. HAHA.
And i have my 'mini photoshoot' too! Felt like some model. HAHAHA.
Reached home at 8plus. MAD i know,but i didnt felt like going home cause im avoiding the venice essay=.= (till now im still avoiding)
I think i didnt exercise for too long,cause im having a little muscle ache. HAHA.
But the weird thing is,i didnt even train. I just went there & took pictures. Weird. Okayla,i think i did run & pick up disc but thats all? Old already=.=

Im boreddddddddddd. Can somebody entertain me?
Its 'photoshoot' time! HAHA,there were quite a few pictures of me. :D *proud*

Photoshoot 1. ^^ Photocredits:Mr chew's camera & Sinlee taking picture.
Photoshoot 2. I LOOK TANNED! ^^

Photoshoot 3. Famous trademark sign: TWIST! ^^ LOL. I.AM.TANNEDDDDDD. ^^

I think i should cut my hair again. GLOBAL WARMING! Hehe.
Haziqah just forced me to follow her on twitter & gosh,she twits ALOT. =.=
Andand! Its my first time replying people in twitter! HAHA. Cool~ Abit suaku i know. ^^

This year is a year that pass by too fast. ):

떨어지는 하드,어떻게?
나는 그것의 시간을 알고 ,하지만 ...
왜 그렇게 어려운가?
너무 늦었어. ):


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