Thursday, July 8, 2010

★ 모호한. 70% ^^

Current mood:Laughter

'O' level Mt oral just now.
Serious cant score high marks. ): I read too much wrong words & i did stutter.
Never done so badly for reading before. ):
Conversation was alright,so glad that Youth olmypic & IR didnt came out. ^^
But i repeated alot of sentences. HAHA.
The invigilators kept smiling at me because i kept smiling at them. ^^
Must have postive impression ma!
I was super nervous throughout the whole oral process,i should be thickskinned during oral too.
LOL. I actually heave a sigh of relief & ran out of the classroom. HAHAHAH.
Cant wait to get out of the classroom. Finally,its over. ^^

Very tired now. I should besleeping right now. But i still have to study for physics test later=.=
Thisweek is a 'test' week. Full of tests.
Tues chem test. Today Geo,Tmr SS test,Sat SS test at 7am(essay test,if i fail the previous one)
SIAN. Hope i pass my essay test for last week.
Went training yesterday, i realised i've got a bruise when i reached home. HAHA.
I ran too much,then there's friction at the back of the shoe. Haha.
Played frisbee+netball till 6plus pm. ^^
I scalded my hand during chem experiment today. ):
Should be careful of the people around me holding dangerous stuffs. Haha.
Hurts alot,i think im gonna have a scar. ): LOL.

Taken during... this year? Or was it last year?

LOL.Gonna have a quick nap now,hopefully i wont overslept if not need to wake up tmr morning to study=.= SIAN. Physics is one subject that i de-prove very badly because i didnt learn for the test esp midyear. HAHA. I feel that the school has a pretty drastic change ever since i was sec 1. In the past... LOL. Now got so many new things,new classroom,new staircase(i like walking that staircase because i feel like a poly student),new lab... Haha.

Sleeping time!



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