Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Aint no paper tiger.

Had an unhappy dream, & it sort of affected my mood.
Mind not in the right state now.
Things i thought are over keeps coming back to haunt me.
Suddenly,i dont know how to handle/react like i used to.
Very tiring one leh.

I have an ugly msn pic w/o flash/edit. LOL. Cause i took it using webcam.
And yeah,i've got a laptop after 4 years,but still i prefer using desktop.
My desktop everything bigbig,watch shows very shiok.
Laptop screen too small,eyes very strained.
Suddenly im not anticipating poly life. LOL. I also dont know why.
Did i chose the wrong course? Arghhh.
Honestly,i dont think i regret since i havent started my course yet.
And in order to jump course,i have to score really well for my gpa. I MEAN REALLY WELL.
Somemore i dont know what course to jump to,biomedical? LOL.
I cant believe i chose a sci course. HAHAHA. But sci is interesting in sec(i only like chem.LOL)
I didnt know blogger can check the amount of vistors to my blog! Pretty cool.
I just checked,PATHETIC. HOHO.
I think cause i seldom update plus my content arent really interesting. LOL.

I feel like binge-ing now. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Shit, i think this holis i got gain at least 3kg. AT LEAST.
LOL,i think i gained around 5kg lorrrrrrr. Sian.
Need to hit the gym soon. But i always lost to the word,LAZY.
Lazy is my biggest flaw. Really. Thanks to laziness,my o results like shit.
The older i grow,the lazier i am. LOL.
Cause of that dog la,cannot tahan her. Overactive.
Scratch my leg,now my leg ruined alreadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I want to have a dalmatian as pet. SO CUTEEEEEEEEE. SO SMARTTTTTTTT. ^^

SO KAWAII HOR?????????? ^^

Hehehehe. Should i start reading manga online?
But i prefer reading the book than online leh,cause more comfy.
Which anime should i start? Bleach? Or death note? Bleach got 300++ ep leh. So long.
I waiting for skip beat 2 to come out. Its an awesome anime i watched like 2 years ago?
But the ending was super lousy,cause the female lead hasnt taken revenge yet.

The plot is like the female lead trying to take revenge on her ex by entering the entertainment industry cause he used her. Get it?

Its a funny anime. REALLY FUNNY. The female lead always had diff aura. So funny.

Skip beat!!!!!!!! If i remem correctly,the female lead is kyoko? LOL. I like the current her instead of the past her. The past her too soft,too easy to give in,to easy to make use.
Love her reaction. SO FUNNY. Maybe i should start reading the manga? But i think the manga also havent completed. Sian.

Wow. I think this is one of my longest post? Seldom blog so long. LOL.


Show off my korean skills abit,
내가 귀여운~~~ LOL!!!!!!!!! (I think most ppl should able to figure it out. ^^)


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