Sunday, March 6, 2011

neomu neomu pigon.

Shall let you guys see the power of editing. LOL. P./S i only use one effect.
Most of my pics are edited,of course is selcas,zilian pics la.

Before. NO EDIT. I swear i only use 1 effect. LOL.
After. More decent.
Before. This pic is reallyyyyyyyy ugly. LOL.
After. I still look round. LOL.
Before. *emo attempt failed* LOL.
After. I swear all my nose,eyes,jaws are real cause i dont use photoshopped. Hahahahaha.
So,thats the power of editing. And i only edit selcas. LOL. (cause i nothing to post ma,so i anyhow create ideas.)

Tons & tons of shows to watch,korean,anime,jap,hk,tw. SO MANY,I KNOW.
Thats why i need a laptop asap. My spine gonna hurt from seating for hours. LOL
And so,im going to rp next week to buy laptop i think.
But,sadly the promotions dont have the ones i want. I WANT VAIO. W a super large screen cause i blind. HAHAHHAHAH.

Went to shop today.
Didnt bought much.
They should start orientation on 18 april man=.= But instead start on 12. 3 days somemore. AND around 8plus/9plus then go home leh!!!!!!!! SIAO RIGHT? =.= you think i very free is it?
Can dont go? LOL.
I go check the list,so PLAIN BOLIAO. What tug of war shit=.= ice breaker.
Im actually kinda anticipating poly life(i know i repeated this alot of times but heck care la) LOL.
In a new life whr no one knows me. Cool eh?
Plus,NONE i repeat NONE of the ppl i know are going to my course/sch.
So i guess,meet new friends? Hope wont have any bitches.

I wanna watch beastly. It was about this rich handsome kid getting into trouble with the wrong person & she cast a spell on him. He was like this initially then become...........
LIKE THIS. LOL. So many tattoo. Quite interesting hor? But i dont think sg is airing so i guess have to watch on funshion?
I wanna watch this too. Horror movie,i watched the trailer. I think not bad.

Imma realllllllllllllllllll busy person. So goodbye!!!!
ANNYEONG!!!!!!!!! ^^


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