Friday, March 11, 2011


Date:11 march 2011.
Firstly,i hope the ppl in jap are fine.
Everyone should know that a 8.9 earthquake hit jap causing tsunami.
And thr is a tsunami alert in new zealang,indo,hawaii,phillipines,& others.
Very devastating,8.9 leh!! So serious. If indo was to hit by earthquake,sg should be able to feel.
So saddening. Natural disasters are inevitable.
I just hope no natural disasters hit those developing countries. (wah,geo leh) LOL.
Developing countries are already facing difficulties living in proper houses & with no ample food.
If natural disasters were to hit,the consequences would be really very devastating.
I bet countries facing the alert are worrying as they have to fear every single min.
Jap encounters lots of earthquakes actually,always have mild earthquakes every 2-3 months.

So,what have i been up to lately?
The usual,slack,eat,watch. Same old routine.
I went out today. Went back to rp to pay my enrolment fee.
I think im gonna die of walking soon. From woodlands inter to rp,the walk so long!
Somemore,inside rp,its freaking big,hence take alot of time to reach the building im spose to have class in.
I can predict i will be late most of the time.
Back in sec sch,i was late quite alot of times although i dont live really far.
So you can imgaine me being late every single time in poly. LOL.
I tried taking bus 187 straight to woodlands inter,but hell,the journey too freaking long. Cannot tahan. 1 hr plus of bus ride,i rather sleep. LOL. But take bus cheaper leh,i can still fake that im sec sch student,can give 0.55. HAHAHAHA. LOL.

I hurt my toe. So pain.
Got blue back somemore,pain till i cant walk properly=.=
Guess how i hurt it? BY STRETCHING=.= stupid i know. LOL.
So sleepy now. Physically sleepy,but mentally energetic.
Should i watch shows? Or play games? STREET FIGHTER
Its a fri today,how come so few ppl online? All chiong to play already? Since next week is mar holis.
I miss saying TGIF. ):

Why i so no life?
I miss those times when i work,i have no time to think anything.
I remem working before the day of O results release.
And everyone was worrying,but i was too busy working that i didnt have the time to think.
I like it you know. I love being busy. I wanna be a workaholic.

This is a very wordy post.
Goodbye for now.

Bigbang is back!!!!!!! From left:Seungri,GD,Taeyang,Daesung,TOP. ^^
hehehe. My fav are GD TOP & daesung. And also taeyang. LOL. Sorry ah seung ri.

Tiredttm. Bye.


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