Friday, January 16, 2009



Im back from sec 3 camp eh! D:D
Happy is tht i no need to bathe so fast & had to control my bladder.
Sad thing is,IT ENDED! D:

Yeah,i purposely put infront:D hehe!
They says im cute! :D
Zara,she said,immediately regret.Cos i was so high & keep asking her again & again.

First day.
Well,i actually wasnt in the mood to go.& people were actually asking why im not hyper.
Answer was,tired.
Yes,im tired,plus no mood.
Well,i was put into PLATOON 5:D, PM Maple{Syrup!} HAHAH:D
Well,Platoon 6 the PM was funny,his name was kenny? LOL.
Board the bus & things.Were shocked to see that we actually slept on plank woods !
AND,we girls thought we would take the bunk with aircon & doors,BUT no,its for the guys! How unfair!

Yeah,then reached.Our group name is ICE,which consist of Me,khalidah,serena,suzanne,yaohui,hamidah,shahirah,elisha,kimberly,yimon,atiqah,PS.ZARA

weiseng,murugeson,desmond & i forgot who already.
Then,PM maple went off & ENCIK DARYL CAMEEEEEEEEE! :D
F.Y.I ,why he is encik & why the others is PM,because.. Encik is higher rank than PM,so we are actually very lucky.
Encik Daryl funny la. HE'S YOUNG! Thats what he says,but he doesnt look young to me.He looks mature.

Played games,like climbing on to the cliff or something?Then teacher was pouring soap&water to make it slippery & we had to use rope & get up.
When PM asked who wants to go first,immediately raised up my hand.I was veryvery enthu of playing that,because it looks abit thirilling:D
I was slow,because im very drama:D ,i dint fall:D
Actually,i sort of forget what happened.
I slept with Zara & Khalidah,& i was lost for a few times,i had to shout for zara to know whr actually our bed was.
Its actually veryvery easy to find our bed,because ours beds are the most unique one.

Everyone the same pattern,only ours diff pattern.
I slept in the middle,squeeze by Zara&Khalidah. Khalidah shiok la,she took 1 bed,both me & zara squeeze another bed.
The toilet was... =.= ,no doors! OMFG! CURTAINS!
I nvr ever bathe like that before,with the PMs keep on shouting how many minutes left. Well,its quite challenging actually.
Dint sleep well.
Day 2
Urghh,i forgot what happened!
WE did alotalot of sucess claps, 3200 intotal. Just one day alone.
When we do,we dont do 20at one go,we actually do 300/400 at one go,& we actually tolerate it:D
Groups were looking at us,because we were very united:D ithink? HAHA.
We shout the counts tgt. Asone.
OH! We did the rope thingy!Must hold on the rope & then cross onto another side,& below,is veryvery dirty water.Shit,urine all @ thr.
Liyang is crazy-.- ,he's very good at balancing actually.
Liyang:*jump inside the freaking dirty,muddy,smelly,disgusting,water.*
See how daring he is! LOL!
I wanted to be the first one to go,BUT,PM wanted Jotham to do first & so ,im second. I was slow:D
I very good liao lor,i dint cry,scream leh:D

Very boring la,sitting thr for so long.
PM maple got things & went away again.ENCIK DARYL TOOK OVER:D
OH,thrs ENCIK SHAM too! He's the guy who put the 'grenade' at us.
After a while, i said this: GO AWAY LA! :D'
He: *Looked at me with shocked expression while the rest just laugh *
LOL,he likes to take candids -.- or was it encik daryl?Aiya,both la.

We were playing the game tht we had to cover the holes with hands & took out the balls from the roundround thing,one way is to pour water.SO,we were all wet.
I purposely pour on the guys,the dint get wet okay-.- ,& im thoroughly WET:D
Its fun la,BUT,contacts-.-
Menghao very extra,he went to help covering the holes.
Cover finish,spray water on me-.- ,which make my contacts worser.

OH,we did the lying down on the grass,then must find way out.& the fied is muddy.
Encik daryl was making it worst by pouring water at the mud floor to make it more muddy.
Yaohui was first,then me,then suzanne.
ENCIK DARYL BIASED LA! =.= ,after suzanne is me,both of them went through also not that muddy,when i go,& i go to the wrong side,he pour water at me! Then laugh-.- mean right?
=.= ,very dirty leh! Nvm.
While other people were playing,the girls went to wash up,we took the hose & spray each other & so,we were wet again.
Stupid Hamidah,i was telling serena to help me spray my hole body with the hose. Cos got mud,then hamidah took the hose & spray on my head & i was wet from head to toe.
Then everyone started playing. HAHA!.
I revenge,by scaring hamidah:D ,she's very easy to be scared,same as shiya:D

NEXT,something very funny happened to suzanne.
We were sort of playing the chairs thingy,must use chairs & stand & move to other side without walking.
Suzanne WAS SHAKING! YES,all of us saw it.
Actually she was half laughing & shaking. Encik Sham saw it & imitate her.
Hamidah & the rest laugh very hard.
Encik daryk tan,encik sham tan,mr tan thiam chye. The 3 bad Tans.
HAHA! Thts what Mr tan said.They were mean luh-.-
Keeo deesiao-ing her.& Suzanne was pekchek la! HAHA! LOL.
Too much to describe.
Suzanne,dont kill me when you read this.
But seriously,you're funny!

The food was... okay i guess?
Suzanne says Encik Daryl is my brother,because we both laugh the same,the ptich.
But she say i laugh more weird & scary-.-
Saw Mr jeff tan,first thing he said to me was ,
Mr jeff tan:GOH SIU POH! Why are you here?
Me: WALAO! I sec 3 mah,of course here lah! =.=
Mean right?

Encik Daryl shared some of his stories with us:D
Its fun having him:D
Platoon 5 is the most united platoon. :D

First time in the 4days sleep so nice:D
Had movie time.Basketballs?Yongmou keep complaining tht i very disgusting.
Cos i was telling him i want to shit & fart,& he keep walao at me.
& i was burbing:D
Encik Daryl is Suzanne's brother also,cos he keeps burbing,he burbs,very loud leh!
Okay,time for day 3.
Day 3
Morning wake up,did PT.
ITS FUN LA:D we walked for veryvery 9km luh-.-
Platoon 5 is very fun:D ,we kept singing cheers,sang songs.
Did cheers with Encik Daryl too.
Both me & encik daryl were funny luh,cos as people knows,i love scaring people,i have been scaring people since sec 2:D
& the way i scare is not BOO! IS BAHH! Unique right?
So,i actually went up to him & scare him,& yes,i sucess:D WHO AM I?!
I scare people,which time will not succeed? :D

He's a little irritated by me.
when he's irritated,he will stare at me expressionless,like very angry.
But actually he's not,he's just trying to make me scared by doing that.
HAHA! After a while,he just laugh-.- weird right?
Encik sham just loves to take my pictures la:D ,i know:D LOL! Im being bhb again.
Hamidah & shahirah was caught by my disease.
They started scaring people,then we went in grps & scare people:D

During the walk,our platoon was the most hyper one.I can see other PMs are impressed out hyper-ness even though we were walking for so long-.-
Encik daryl taught us some cheers.
Ate those food tht the army people ate,most of us ate rice bean dumpling with chicken.
Wei seng actually got cheesy pasta leh!
I took from him & ate, nice lor!

Then,i was suggesting playing Haidai{Seaweed} with suzanne.
She was very shocked by my expression,the way i play is very funny.Cos as i said,i have big reactions:D
The she laughed real hard,people around us were actually looking.
They must be laughing at my crazy-ness-.-

Played with Joyce&clarine too. Their reaction also not as big as suzanne's leh!
Fall in,stand beside chooyongmou.
He's very noisy la. buey tahan leh,so hot he actually wears jacket-.-
He just loves calling my chinese name,make fun-.-

Walk back to campsite.
On the way,yongmou joined our platoon-.-
He's very noisy,keep talking to me nonsense-.-

Then,thrs one time when both me & him look at each other then we both scare eachother.
Me:*look at him*
Encik daryl:*Look at me*
Funny leh.

Oh,did you know tht his sunglasses got reflection?
Yes,i always look at his sunglasses & look at me own relflection,people think im siao-.-
He's irritated by me again:D
He keep asking me to stop it.

At night,had performance.
Encik viven sabbo-ed our platoon.
LOL. Certain parts of the performance was fun.
The rest were boredom.
Thr something definitely wrong with PM yuanshan & PM patrick,they like couples sia.
Keep arguing,from the first day i already notice uh.
The story tht Major gopal told us was so.. =.=

He was the 'host' for the performance with encik vivien.
Then,theres this Gatsby music playing & they were sort of 'dancing' .very drama.
They followed the commercials. Do the hair thingy.
Then encik Vivien took encik Daryl's sunglasses,then encik daryl looked at his reflection & tidy his hair! YES! THATS MY STYLE!
I always looked at his sunglasses as thr are reflections. :D
& he laugh & asked me to stop it,THEN HE NOW COPY MY STYLE! =.=
When he did that action,everyone from Platoon 5 turn around & say my name.Cos they know thats MY STYLE!
Only Platoon 5 knows,laughs lah!

Encik Daryl said Platoon as PA-LA-TOON. =.=
He purposely want luh.

At night,briefing.
Aww,so sweet la.He said we are the best campers/troopers he had met:D
He said we were really great ,very enthu,very comperative:D
I believe many PM thinks so too la,our platoon is the most enthu one. LIKE ME!:D

Day 4
Morning wake up,& yeah,faster pack stuff.
Did POP? Congrats to Yaohui.HAHA.
LOL,i was being very blur. Yes i am.

Took pictures with Encik Daryl&Encik Sham:D
Sad luh,took coach & say byebye.
Suzanne & khalidah get to hug him leh! ):
I also wanthughug lah! :D

Reached school.
Girls started crying.LOL.
Ohhh,wanjin is so nice la,she says im getting prettier:D
Joyce lost her wallet-.-
Went to Kbox with Joyce,zara,serena,clarine,yongseng,yaohui.
Yaohui funny luh-.-
Okay,i knowi sing very exaggerating,but no need laugh so jialat ma.
I was being deesiaosiao when singing,yaohui laugh till... -.-
He caught my & Encik Daryl's disease.

I miss them la.
I seriously nvr expect camp would be SO freaking fun.
Everytime platoon 5 cheer,people will look at us,cos we very very enthu:D
We did kallang wave,cheers & sang songs:D
Fun right?We are the only platoon tht did kallang wave leh!
Encik Daryl taught us new cheer today,its so fast la-.-
I finally manage to learnt it!
OH,when i sang songs alone,encik daryl always give me the expression.
Like im an alien singing-.-
Oh,i remember one of the enciks/PMs says im alien.
Dont know is encik Daryl or encik Sham. LOL.

I miss Encik Daryl{My "brother" who laughs the same as me,bah me also.And also keep taking my candids! -.-}
I miss PA-LA-TOON 5! :D
I miss Encik Sham{who keep bombing us & imitate suzanne.And always take my candids!}
I miss PM Maple{Syrup!}
I miss them lah! ):
Rewind the time please,i haven had enough fun yet.

Both me & Serena were fighting over Encik daryl:D
Before,we fight for Edward.Now Encik sham.
On the way to Kbox,we were fighting.The rest all see liao buey tahan.
SerenaKONG CLAIMS tht encik Daryl is hers,while he's mine.
See!Yaohui also support me lor!
SerenaKONG, you no chance liao la!

Did i mention tht after camp,me,serena,joyce,zara,clarine,yaohui,yongseng, went to kbox?
If i did,paiseh,cos i lazy to scroll. :D
Yes,we went kbox.
Very high,last part more high,everyone screammmmmmmm!
5plus then went back home.

From this camp,i've got alot of ganxiang. {feelings}
Dint bring handphone,so cannot take picture with PMs & Enciks): SAD LAH!
Wtf,i went to the camp's blog. The picture got me leh!
Confirm is Encik sham purposely put one-.-
Cos when fall in,serdiya position,he was taking pictures & i was posing a twist.
He looked at me,then i faster attention-.-
Candids! T.T

I miss camp):
This post i long eh? Too much to say already:D




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