Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Why for the sake of a tree,give up the whole forest?"

Currently listening to: TTL! :D
Current feeling: Tired beyond describtion.

Benjamin's idiotic hand=.=
His idiotic hand again! =.=
And again! Jerkkkkkkk!=.=
Asshole yo!
Thats idiot Benjamin beside me=.=
Ahhhh! Rapist!=.=
V.V tired right nowwwwwwwwww!
These few days have been v. hectic.And im gna endure till Sat.
Training yest was super tedious,everyone was feeling tired.I thought my aches had recovered,but it came back during training yesterday=.=
Plus,the sun was scorching hot yesterday which makes it even worst.
After training,went back to school to do cip w Suzanne & Clarine & headed to IMM to have lunch.
Shared bento w Clarine. Joyce came after that.
Today was worst,came at 8am.Late a fewmins,Clarine & Suzanne were even later!
Did cip from 8am all the way to 6.20pm. Tired beyond describtion!
Ate 2burgers ^^.Double cheese burger & Mc chicken! Sponsored by Ms Ng! :D
Something idiotic happened today=.= ;
Clarine:Eh,help me call my hp!
Me:Orh,*dialled her no.* Call already!
Clarine & some peeps: *hearing the ringtone*
Me:*Hearing for the ringtone* Its getting clearer! Neh! I think is in the box lor!*box full of books*
Me:*Suddenly feel vibration in pocket* EH?! How come is in my pocket?
Clarine: Walao! HAHHAHHAHHA!
I cant believe how dumb am i=.=

Back to work.Everyone was super tired for sure.
I dint expect to stay till that late,but since they needed manpower... IM VERY NICE ONE OKAY!
Helped the primary section,then went to secondary section as thr are lesser people.
Yilin &Benjamin helped to organised.
Me,Suzanne,Clarine,Beatrice,Atiqah are busying sorting out books.
Voonhong &Zhipeng sorted out books too,but the latter is also busy complaining & shouting=.=
A few people stayed till 6.20pm. Etc Yilin,Ben,Me,Clarine,Beatrice,Atiqah,Voonhong,Zhipeng.
Suzanne went home as her papa fetched her.

Have been watching Mv's lately! :D
What mv's? Korean! HAHAHHAHHAHHA!
): Training tmr,& maybe cip?
My mom nagged me yesterday for bursting my sms-es alotmore than usual=.=
No choice,the older i get,the more popular i am! LOLLLLLL!
My blogskin is black=.= too tired to change colours.
I knew it! My shoutmix & cbox spoil cannot be coincidence! Must be the skin! LOL

I've got more bruises! But i've no idea how come i've bruises on my arm=.= I dint even realised it man!
And gosh,its damn black! At first the colour was greenish blue,& ithought it was cool=.=
I think im the only idiot who thinks bruises are cool. :D
Now the colour is black blue,of course,it hurts alot. :)



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