Monday, February 8, 2010

日有所思,夜有所梦 ?.?

Look at her make-up face & my totally no make-up face. IM STILL CUTER LA. :D

Look at her leopard dress & my oh-so-casual look. LOL.

Town-ed w Yiman on Sat.
Town-ed w Joyce on Sun.

Yiman last min asked me go out to town.
Spent quite alot of money,but i dint bought much=.=
Bugis was over crowded that we couldnt shop much.
Its so rare that i actually am willing to buy dresses.
HAHA.Kay,forgot the details already. All i remeber was i made her laughed till stomach pain.
OHOH! Speaking of her,i remembered one incident.During sec 1,we were eating at Delifrance(high class somemore),then we were laughing & laughing.
ANDAND,i was drinking water,i laughed so hard that from my mouth,i splashed water to her face. & yes,it was damn hilarious. HAHHAHHA.

):I have to wear spects for 4days. Looks alittle kuku ah.
Because i went to buy contacts yest.
Then the person helped me checked my eyes.
She realised that my eyes got some deep scar or something,broken skin?
Yeah,thats why my left eye has been blur for the past week.
Probably because of contacts.But due to the fact that i chose to ignore it,it has gotten worse=.=thats why i have to use eye drip & spects.
The reason why i prefer contacts is because mainly,its convenient.
Because i play outdoor sports,therefore spects are a hassle to me.
But i still look cute with spects. :)

I failed my maths test. ):
I lost 4 & a half marks due to carelessness,how dumb can i be?
Mr Tan says i failed my physics test. Shall see tmr then,hopefully is he bluff me.
Physics remedial tmr. ):
After cny more remedials,geog,maths. SIAN.
Guess what? JOKWON IS A VIRGO. This shows that virgos have exception because well,he's not shy,he's hilarious,he's not quiet. HAHHAHAH.
Im not quiet either. Though i can be.Exception virgos rocks! HAHHAHAHHA.
But i believe he will be a good boyf. He's hilarious,gentleman,always give in to her 'girlf'.
Humourous guys simply is a plus plus( ++) for me.
Who will prefer an anti-social guy than hilarious one?

SS test today.I thought i finished the paper. Even mr ong thought i finished it.
But i realised,i forgot to challenge the source=.= I only wrote crossreference support.
Whatever la. Cant be bothered anymore.
I've no more nap session now. My afternoon session is occupied by computer show session while my night session is occupied by force-to-do-homework session. =.=
Which means im going to be busy!
Though i might be using computer,but not necessary i will online in msn as majority of the time is spend on watching shows & no time to reply conversations.
LOL.Am currently watching this anime,Thewallflowers,recommended by Jinhui.Not bad! :)



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