Wednesday, February 10, 2010


As usual,tired.
Watched Troy movie in class.Not too bad,the killings and all quite convincing.
The blood & stuff,so cool. Because they made it like its real!
Bradpitt is handsome though he's already in his forties.
I like hector,unlike paris lor,so coward,hector is much more brave. :D
But i still dont understand why there's a need to have war over a Helen=.=
So ridiculous,use helen as an excuse to start war.
But paris also very daring,king's wife also dare to steal.
Imagine thousands of people died because of his selfish-ness.

Have been in a good mood lately.
Perhaps because of cny.
Having cough ,havent cny already started coughing.
How am i going to eat tidbits at this rate? LOL.
I hate matrices. So confusing. I dont know why people thinks matrices are easy.
Honestly,i think i prefer probability because its more challenging.
But who knows?Maybe i will try to make friends with matrices.
Im in the midst of trying to grow tall. Not that im short,but i just wanna grow tall.
Its like i still have those sec 1&2 look,but im obviously sec 4now.
Im not short,i have an average height. But how,somehow juniors are always taller than me.
But hor,my height very easy to find boyf. Because guys are mostly taller than me. LOL.
But IAM growing taller now,by 2 cm. ^^ and im so happy about it.

I just found another similarity between me & TM.
We're both messy!LOL. Girls can be messy too okay!
Andand,we both dont know how to cut apples. ^^
TM loves kids. Though he's a kid. HAHA!
But he really likes to play with kids. My boyf ma.

Gonna watch my anime! And drama! :D


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