Wednesday, March 24, 2010


OMG. I dint use computer for 2days! Break my record already la.
Really tired,slept & slept but still tired. HAIYOYO.Its wednesday today,im so anticipating friday. ^^
Facebook has one flaw,that it can chat with people even though you dont know them.
I dont really mind talking to people i dont know(though i used to mind),but i really mind the fact that those people always ask me weird questions that im really irritated of.
I remembered this questions,'do you like crickets?' SO WEIRD CAN?! And a few random questions like do i have a boyf=.= LOL. Consequences of anyhow accepting friend request. LOL.
Not bad leh.My facebook friends all are people requesting to be friend,im too lazy to add people.
Now,i've already exceed 300! :D This shows what?Im popular lah! :D

Training today. Nothing much really happened.
It's wednesday,wednesday! Please pray that i wont be called up for maths remedial tmr. ):
Thurs is the only day i no need to stay back.
Friday! Faster comecome! :D
If you realised, my current blogskin actually have my msn. In 3years plus of having a blog,i've never put my msn before due to privacy. My msn acct only have people i know,but somehow some people managed to get my msn w/o permssion. LOL.
So,im being friendly by putting my msn so that people can add.
How nice of me right? :D

Take alook at my super messy hair! LOL. Burying Rudy & Hongxin. Fun ^^

Im off to watch my shows already. Goodbye people!



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