Saturday, May 29, 2010

☆_☆ Misery.

Taken during chalet. DJ MAXXXXXXXXXXX! ^^ If you're wondering why is the room so messy,i was in the guy's room at that point of time. What can you expect from male species? LOL.

Library with Clarine just now.
Didnt do much. Daydream most of my time anyway. Another day wasted.
Monday MT O level. And what am i doing?! AMANDA! Stop slacking!
O level,seems so scary to me.
Oh,i dont like my sitting arrangement for the O level.
Combined classes with half of 4C. The guys sitting beside me & behind me very noisy=.=
SIAN. Why must my name start with A?

Serious insomia lately.
Im very tired,but i just cant seem to sleep well.
HAHA. Running in the rain=headache.
These past 2 months have been runnning in the rain quite alot of times.
Alot of illness lately,
reaction getting slower,cough,insomia,always daydream.
HAHA. Typical lazy student reaction.
I dont feel like doing anything right now. Just feel like staring into blank space.
AMANDA! Whats wrong with you lately? I also dont know leh.
Maybe moodswings.

Collected new spects! ^^
Nice anot? Im trying not to mind the fact that its semi-pink. Though its more to purple.
Its not easy to find green spects or orange one.

人生短短几十年~ ☆_☆


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