Saturday, May 15, 2010


These few days have been,sleep watch anime,bloghopping,eat,do social interview on fb,twitter.
Can you believe im watching Tantei gakuen Q again?
I was watching again yesterday,watch till 2plus am.
While i was watching,suddenly very windy doors suddenly bang. Freak out alittle.
Cos i was watching the part where the murder happened.
Those plots were really really good,the way the murderer kill the victim.
I want to buy the manga after O's. ^^
The manga way more thrillinggggggggggggg.
Imagine reading the manga in the middle of the night! COOL MAN!
I wanna watch reborn & detective conan too,but they're damn long=.=
Other than watching anime,have been bloghopping too. ^^
BUT,i hop to people's blog w/o bothering to read. And mostly hop to people i dont know. HAHA.
Bloghop to kill time=SIAN.

Its easy to spot me,TWIST! ^^Sorta miss frisbee camp. Those days we would run around the school catching one another,squeezing into the toilet & bathe,everyone gathering & watch movie. ^^ How fun.

I dont want to go back school.


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