Thursday, January 29, 2009

My 8-year old cousin:D
I miss my long hair:D

Mr gopal;Shiya!I've blogged!
Awww,mr gopal reads my blog leh!Im so honoured man! HAHA.
Okay,so internet crash,so theres no way i can fix it. LOL.

Okay,Last wed,took height & weight.
I was incharge of recording,so basically,i know the height & weight of whole class,cool hor?
Im almost overweight!COOL!
Mitchell says i dont look overweight,of course,im not even overweight yet,just almost.
Yeah,i was actually shocked that im actually shorter than the guys in class-.-
& im not short okay,im average:D
& yeah,because of that,me & Amanda.Lee was actually late for the running thingy.
So joined the guys,LOL.
I ran faster than the guys,howw cooll.Thats because they walked luh-.-
Stupid mohamed,from behind go push me-.-
Walk all the way,then ran.

Pon school on thurs. January already pon liao.
Late for school on friday,cool uh?
I was actually thinking of pon-ing on fri,but because i had to borrow Breaking Dawn from reena,& so ,i went.I actually woke up at 7.00am.
First time,kena detention 1hr.
After school,dint even bother to go for detention,cos they dint even confiscate my ez-link.
So,decided to pon detention.

Today suppose to have assembly,& i was sure confirm will call me out to go for detention,
But today assembly in class?& so,i was actually happy that i can skip detention for one more day.
When Mr low came in & look for me-.-
He actually dont know which Amanda he's looking,cos theres 2.
He assume im not the one,cos im too guai.
Then he came up to me & asked if i owe detention & i said yes,LOL.
He asked alot of time whether is me-.-

I was actually caught yest for my nails&skirt.
Nail,nvr cut & i painted one of my fingers black,cos tester ma,so testest lor.
Mrs Hong wants me to go general office immediately-.-
Disadvantage of sitting at the last,very easy tio spot check.
Nothing going well lately.
Oh,last wed went bugis with Joyce.& saw Vera,suzanne & clique.
LOL!Saw them quite alot of times actually.

Oh,went to reunion dinner on lastlast fri.
& yeah,manymany says im prettey:D
1 of my aunt says,i grow bigger liao,more hiong-.-
Went home at around 4plus am,imagine how bored i am sitting thr.

My dagu,big aunt,see me,always says im pretty:D
No one made comment about my short hair,except for my cousin,she says it looks nice,& that now very liu xing to cut this type of hair.
My cousin is pretty,she sure knows how to dressup,cool.

I pester my mom to buy footwear for me.Those that wear at home,& i bought Mickey mouse:D
I asked for Doraemon/Stitch,both dont have.
LOL!Its cute okay,got time i upload:D

CNY,angpaos veryvery less.
My smallest aunt,says i look very good with short hair & that i should cut earlier.
She says im pretty too:D
Im flattered,

Relatives came my house on Monday.
Super crowded,20++ people leh!
HAHA!They played blackjack.I dint joined in,FIRST TIME LEH!That CNY,i dint gamble. Guai right?

I wanna change my blogskin,its too... Pinky-.-

Hello Satanic,you're back.o.o
I sort of have an idea who you are. LOL.
But please,i find you very pathetic,awww,too lonely? I understand.

Stupid spammers,i dont want to be lenient to them & let them think im nice to bully.
Stupdstupid spammers.

Lol,i think you will read this ?HAHA,my blog popular la.HAHA.

I find that kids love me:D
Maybe because i have a baby face. HAHA!
My 8 year old-cousin,used to kiss me alot-.-
1 of my relatives says that i haven't mature,just because i was hugging Stitch.

My uncle was stunned by my laughters:D
In fact,everyone!They were shocked,& were thinking why i laugh,like a witch? LOL!


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