Saturday, February 20, 2010

History repeating again,in the midst of solving & forgetting.

Current time:3.17pm
Currently doing: Posting,after that studying! :D

Short post, after that im off to studying.
I know,how obedient of me right?
Its super rare for me to study on a sat afternoon because mostly if those who have my msn realised,im always online on weekends unless im either sleeping or brother snatch com with me.
Im currently studying chem. Then if have time(because im gonna watch show in night),i shall study physics. I cant study maths,cos i left my textbook under my table=.=
Plus the assessment Ms hong gave us,the questions were pretty limited. Matrices only a few questions.

Tmr i shall do my DnT,too much havent do & its due on Mon. Or is it Wed?
But i think im consider one of the fastest in my class already. :D *proud* Cause usually im one of the slowest.
I seriously dont know what to study for english=.=
Does anyone knows CT MT test on paper 1 or 2? Please pray that it will be paper 2,if not must bring dict & memorise format.
And what to study for SS? The format? LOL.
AMANDA! What have you been doing for the past 1month or so?
Nothing,sleep,eat,play lame games,shows. HAHHHAHA!

Time to study! BYE!


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