Thursday, February 18, 2010


Current mood: :D :D :D
Current time:11.13pm

Am in a very good mood lately. :) Eventhough cny holis ended. ):
HAHHA,cny 4days & i went out on all four days.
Had reunion dinner w family at grandpa's house on sat,as usual,he took my weight=.= weird.
Then sun went to grandpa's house again & at night relatives & cousins came over my house.
Mon went to aunt's house & gamble.
Tues went out with Suzanne,Samantha,Weiseng,Yaohui,Zhipeng,Jeremy,Farhan,Benjamin. No more right?
HAHHAHA. Went house visting. Had fun,but i had to go home at night & have my second round of dinner. LOL. Shall post the happenings once i've got the pictures on hand.

Male cousins sucks.
Its like all my male cousins gang up against me & attack lor. Walao.
They kept saying im fat when im not,its because they're skinny.Kept laughing at me somemore=.=
Even my youngest cousin also bully me lor. ): kept disturbing me & forcing to kiss when he's like suppose to be P3 this year=.=
Im so popular with kids. :D
Gambling is a must for cny. Blackjack,3days of gambling,lost a total of 20plus bucks.
How cool. This year is seriously not a good year for the zodiac,dog. LOL.
No wonder i lose money la.

Have been disturbing people with my lame jokes lately. HAHHAHA
Those who experience it should know.
HAHHAHA. Wah,my mood lately is serious very good. :D
^^ :D ;D :) (:
Let's sing some song shall we?
Elmo loves his goldfish,his crayons too,THATS ELMO'S WORLD! Say goodbye dorothy!
HAHHAHA. I got watch elmo one okay! I even know the song! :D

My cny outfit. Kay,i know i looked super weird in dress. But its a once in a year occasion.
I was wearing those super high heels & had difficulty walking. Hence,my mom laughed at me. But i still hadnt broke my record yet,i wore this heels only fell down once. But the previous heels i wore,fell down dont know how many times. =.=

Conclusion:Shorts rocks!Flat shoes rocks!



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