Thursday, April 8, 2010



Im known for my low IQ,because people tend to ask me lame joks/IQ questions,100% cannot answer.Even if i know the ans,it takes me longer than normal human being to understand. HAHA.
Lynn tested me a common sense question yesterday,i knew the ans because,WELL,I WAS TESTED BEFORE. LOL. Longlong time ago. HAHA. *proud*
It hasnt been raining for the past few days. ): GLOBAL WARMING AH!
Airpollution causes global warming,Carbon monoxide,sulfur dioxide,oxides of nitrogen,unburnt hydrocarbons. Anymore? LOL.
Dont like hot weather.

I didnt know that my facebook has my msn=.= LOL
But cant be blame,i seldom check my profile what!
I only realised it after an unknown(?) guy add me in msn,i thought it was someone i knew,hence accepted him. When asked how he got my msn,his answer was from facebook. LOL.
LOL. I have 17boyfs(All korea) not yet counted Taiwan & Japan. LOL.
Im not flirt,but its just nice to have more options. ^^
LOL. But some age gap very big,the biggest one i think is 10years?Or was it9years?Ridiculously big. 10years is like im born & he is already 10years old. WOW.
Scary,10years is wayyyyyyyyyyyy toooooooooooooo bigggggggggggg.
I wonder how couples manage to stay together with sucha big gap=.=
And the smallest gap is a few months. Guess who? JB LA! :D
Followed by Taeminnie~ :D
I showed my mom Taeminnie's photo,& asked her what age she think he is. She replied:20. LOL
When i told her he's merely 17.She says he doesnt look like 17. Of course la,he so tall.

Speaking of height. Im a little irritated that im not growing in terms of height=.-
Juniors 3/4 of them taller than me. Not to mention guys,since they're weird creatures.
But i have the appetite of a normal male guy leh! How come im not growing in terms of height?!
AND,my face doesnt have the look of 16?! When standing beside a junior,im confirm mistook as a junior too. Advantage also la,looks younger. ^^

Tmr is the last day of training for the seniors. From then on,will not be attending any more training sessions. But most of the seniors are sec 4s. So i guess the senior team left a few people only. HAHA. Goodluck to them!


거짓 희망.


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