Thursday, May 13, 2010


I remember this was taken on 31st dec ^^ Love the vast blue sea.

Finally,MYE is officially over. Damn happyyyyyyyyyyy.
But the worst has yet to come,the results. I know i will super badly esp physics,maths & eng.
Forget it,its over now.
Let bygones be bygones~

I've got a new nick.
Because in the periodic table,CA stands for calcium. AG stands for silver. ^^
HAHAHHA. Arent i creative? LOL
Having sore throat already.
Ate too much tidbits lately. ^^
My heart hurts nowadays. (not as in hearbroken=.=)
Its like there is needle poking through my heart.
Maybe because due to lack of sleep plus ate too much tidbits lately.

Lately has been browsing for more anime. ^^
Last anime i watched,Special A! I want to watch reborn,but too long 100+ episodes.

I was super pissed off yesterday.
Why? Cause i saw this video through facebook,where this malay guy hits a malay girl.
It has become such a hot topic nowadays. At first i thought it was a joke video.
Then when i saw the video,i was shocked.
Seriously whats wrong with that guy?! The slap was so hard and he actually pulled her hair & slam on the lift wall leh!
And he was cursing in malay while hitting her. The amount of times he hit her was countless. Scary.
But the girl should have done something to protect herself! Girls seriously need to protect themselves from such people.
But i dont blame her,she was terrified. Plus somemore in the lift,she couldnt do anything. If she were to fight back,the guy would turn more violent only. The person who capture the video confirm is the guy's friend,if not how could he stand there & do nothing but watching the 'show'?!
I believe this matter is in the hands of the discipine master already. That guy should get suspension,no must be JAILED!

Have been randomly doing random quizzez on facebook.
Most of them are nonsense basically,but im trying to kill time.
I think at this rate,all the quizzes will be done by me=.=

Think im gonna have my beauty sleep now.


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