Saturday, January 31, 2009

I used to love this song alotalot,& when im small,i would always sing & dance.
Okay,i know ita weird,normal toddlers wouldnt like songs like this,BUT,im unique ma.
When im really really small,i think 3/4 ,me & my dad would on the karaoke & sing this.
My parents knew that i love this song,infact,i love grasshopper's song when i was small.
Weird right?

Oh,other than this song,theres still Xin tai luan. Heart too soft?By richie ren.
Yesyes,my father bought the cd,then everytime i would book this song,
see how crazy i am when im small:D

Other than bao bei dui bu qi,theres still 失戀陣線聯盟.
Its very nice too:D
For your info,Grasshoppers are relatives! Yes they are!2 of them are brothers,another one is cousin.
HAHHAA!Till today,i still like leh!

My mom love colours of the wind too! :D
People,seriously,must listen to this song.
The original sang very well:D

YAY!I've finished my maths homework:D
& im veryvery proud to announce that i did it on my own without copying leh!
Yes,but it took me quite long to finish.
In class,when teacher teach,she gave the questions all i know how to do leh!
& im very very proud of that:D
But still,must depend on my mood,if mood not good,confirm anyhow do.

Weather very hot,even though i cut short hair already.
Mdm Teresa says i looked diff.
Joyce says she prefer my long hair.
BUT,i love my short hair too:D

I realised many people are reading Low Kay hwa books?LOL.
All about love leh-.- ,too despo for love-.-
Is love really that impt? LOL,
I've seen many people because of relationships,then cannot focus.
So,being single is good:D
Both also got benefits la.
Sec 3 is a very impt year,if cannot focus,die ah.
WOW! Im being realistic man!
Relationships cannot earn money,but studies can.Study alot,can get good job.

I want to focus on my studies now,esp my maths & science.Weakest subject of all.
BUT,i still wanna play leh.I haven had enough fun yet.
Well,when will i have enough fun?
Target,get into poly. Diedie also cannot go ITE.
JC,no need say la,even can go,also dont want go luh.
Got chinese spelling-.- ,from sec 1 till 2,dont even have spelling leh!
Plus teacher only allow to mistakes.At least must get 8/10-.-
I love english spellings,but i hate chinese spellings.
Infact,i hate chinese la.Chinese very diff leh,so many strokes.

Watched just now the monkey show,aiya dont know is monkey or chimpanzee.
I think is chimp la,its damn cute la!
The chimp can snowboard leh! See liao also want play.
I wanna a chimp as pet too leh:D ,its so cool!

Off to watch videos.

Why am i more negative than before?
Im just being realistic thats all.

I just want to focus.
Tell me how to believe people again.
Right now,everyone seems to be wearing a mask.
A mask that looks good on the outside.
But who knows who you really think inside.

Ohmy,i seriously had no idea why i dislike you so much.
You'e being crazy, again.




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