Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Suzanne likes this pic!


Went to Sentosa w clarine.
I love the Beachhhhhh!I love the waterrrrrr!
And YO! Im tanneddddd!

Went to Vivo,ate @ KFC.
Clarine went home.I went to Candy empire.
Walked for damn longg.
Finally bought something that cost a bomb.
The chocolates tht i bought,all so ex leh-.-
Chocolates cant be saved!

Went to take MRT.
AND IM VERYVERY HAPPY to say tht i dint get lost!
Im so shocked man!
BUT,the sign thr put Jookoon station?
Nvr even hear before.
Then i realised its a new Mrt station!

Took 198,saw weird uncle!
He couldnt recgonise me man!
Maybe because of my hairr.
Board the bus,saw helloo & smile then he recgonise.
He says i cut short hair cannot recgonise me-.-
He says its nicer leh!

Weird Uncle:I remember why i called you weird auntie already!
Me:Because i call you weird uncle? {Guai shu shu}
Weird Uncle:No,because your reaction very weird.
Me: =.=
Weird uncle: Okay,nicer.Because your reaction very cutee.
Me: :D

Actually he's not tht old.
He's the same age as me.
But im used to calling people uncles & aunties even though they are the same age as me.
Thrs one time when im agitated because Mr chan(physics teacher) wrote something wrong,i called him uncle.
End up,people laugh at me-.-

I realised many people are using my old skin.
The plain one.
Lucky i changed already,if not,not unique anymore.




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