Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Am currently reading this book,Untamed. A saga series of Marked.
Its the fourth book already!Im anticipating on 9November! The last book will be out,Tempted!

Kay,after cutting my hair on Sunday,the following day on monday i received alot of shocked expressions.Mainly eyes big big,mouth hang open.
Some asked why i cut it,reason:GLOBAL WARMING. LOL.
Some idiots called me Brother=.= As you know,the idiots are the guys in my class.

Me:I tell you one secret!
Me:I dreamt a wonderful dream lehhhh! :D
Mom:What dream?
Me:Dont tell you leh! Its secret! :D
Mom: ...

HAHHAHA,i had a wonderful dream on Saturday.
It seems so real that i almost believed it.
But its too fake& too good to be real. D:
Secret! :D
New classroom @ Sehchuan wing.
The classroom is small okay=.= damn it.
Damn hot too. Dont like la.
We had to have marathon every morning,walked alotalot from indoor sports hall to classroom.
Monday PE was very tiring,i dont mind running but i mind doing lunches(whatever how it is suppose to spell=.=) LOL,& now im having muscle cramps.How cool,& im going to trg later on.

Im going to be famous on friday!
Reporters are coming to our school to interview us & post it on website.
The topic they're going to ask is about matchmaking & stuff.
LOL. Talking about Teenage Infatuation,i've got alot to say.But about politics,no way man.
Oh,did i mentioned that 3C classroom dont have projector? Cool right?
LOL.I sat behind Jinhui yesterday during MT lesson.All i can say is sitting beside Sinloong is going to make my head burst.Damn noisy.

Off for now! BYE! :D


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